Barry Smith

Barry Smith was a founding member of the College. He occupies a significant place in the development of British puppetry through the pioneering work of his Theatre of Puppets, which performed thought provoking work for adult audiences.
He brought this same intelligence to bear on the Punch & Judy tradition and particularly gloried in its bawdy past.
A voice tutor as well as a professional puppeteer Barry could articulate Mr. Punch’s voice with a clarity and precision seldom rivalled and often thought to be unachievable.
In addition to being a puppeteer in a number of TV series for children - and touring overseas a good deal for the British Council - he was also appointed Artistic Director of Norwich Puppet Theatre.
His untimely early death prevented him from seeing the fruition of many of his hopes for puppetry as a medium for adult audiences that were subsequently carried out by his numerous protégés.